2017-05-11 10:33 PM
Hello all,
I recently X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1 expansion board for a STM32F303RE NUCLEO board and I'm struggling to get it to drive a motor.
Note: I'm using version 4.3 of the motor control SDK.
I can successfully connect the motor profiler to the board and start the sequence but it never starts the motor. The motor is a small 7 pole pair, 2300kV motor (0.43V/krpm), with a low winding resistance and inductance, Rm ~0.3mOhm, unknown inductance, I don't have the equipment to measure inductance without the motor profiler.
I have configured the IHM08M1 board as per the link in the profiler, removed R181, and bridged the jumpers to enable 3 shunt mode, and placed all the jumpers in the correct place.
When I start the profiler test, the motor twitches and I get a warning in the electrical model area saying that it's optimised for Rm > 1Ohm, and L > 1uH. The motor never spins. I eventually get a message about the max speed possibly being set too high or too low. If I click continue, it just keeps doing the same thing (twitching), if a click cancel it stops (obviously) and I get a profiler failed message in the top right.
If I run the motor control workbench, go to the monitor and connect to the board, it will successfully connect but I can't get it to run the motor at all in torque or speed mode. The measured rpm ramps p but the motor doesn't rotate. Doing this, I never get any fault flags, which surprises me.
I'm at a loss with this and any help would be great.
Thanks in advance.
#bldc #motor-profiler2018-04-14 3:56 AM
I had a very similar problem, but using a STM32F302R8 NUCLEO board. However, when I used a STM32F303RE NUCLEO board with the same IHM08M1 power stage, I was able to run the motor-profiler. Because the F303 and F302 micro-controllers are so similar, it was even possible to select the F302R8+IHM08M1 combination in motor-profiler when using the F303RE+IHM08M1 hardware.
This suggested that the IHM08M1 and motor were functioning correctly, but that there was something wrong with the NUCLEO board.
Inspecting the rear of the F302R8 NUCLEO board revealed that SB16 and SB50 were missing. The XNUCLEO schematic says that these should be present for all configurations. The bridges provide the 8MHz MCO clock signal from the ST-Link debugger to the main micro-controller.
After adding these bridges, the F302R8 NUCLEO ran as expected with the motor-profiler.
It appears that ST may have a slight quality control problem with the NUCLEO boards?
Greg2018-06-26 10:32 AM
Hi Greg,
you probably got a Nucleo board of type 'MB1136 C-01'. The Nucleo user manual states that there are two different kinds of boards. One kind is labelled 'MB1136 C-01' and has high speed clock (HSE) disabled by default. The other kind 'MB1136 C-02' or higher has HSE enabled by default. Found that on page 24 while working through the manual
I had the same problem as Rob with my Nucleo-F303RE + IHM08M1 + 1000kv small outrunner motor combo. Followed the ST recommendations to setup the two boards like Rob. Same result as Rob.
fter setting JP1+JP2 to FOC on the IHM08M1 (I did not unsolder C3, C5, C7) motor profiler started working for the 1000kv motor. AlthoughST recommendation is to leave JP1+JP2 open for motor profiling. At least that is what I read from the image in the recommendations.
2018-07-03 2:01 AM
I had a similar problem. I resolved it by configuring the power board for 3SH-FOC and not as described in the motor profiler manual.
remove C3,5,7
remove R181
solder shunts into 3SH-config
Set jumper JP1 and JP2 to connect the two pins. (the picture in the manual shows the opposite which did not lead to any reliable results from my experience)
2018-09-12 2:17 PM
I tried the hardware modification on this post: https://wordpress.com/post/policeman0077.wordpress.com/469 and my motor start to spin
2021-06-15 1:55 AM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards