2022-07-06 3:14 AM
2022-07-19 8:03 AM
Dear Me
The project file you are looking for is not there. However, those folders do contain some useful headers and source, in particular STEVAL-ESC001V1.h and STEVAL-ESC001V1.c. From these you will get an idea of how to control the motor.
First create a project in Motor Control Workbench. You will not be able to connect to the board with motor pilot or motor profiler. Ever. So you need to click on the motor icon in the layout shown in the workbench and fill in the details from the motor specs from the manufacturer. Generate code and save a project targeted at The STM32CubeIDE. Open this in the IDE and because it's a vanilla project it should build and you can flash it onto the board. It will not do anything yet but after reading a few tutorials you should be able to get the LED flashing by writing some code in main. Now you'll want to bring in the source that I mentioned earlier into the project, so you can actually have the motor running. There are bound to be a ton of dependencies to deal with and you will have to bang your head against the Eclipse derived IDE but hang on in there, you can do it.