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How to recreate example projects for Nucleo F302R8 + IHM07M1 hardware.

Senior II

After running the profiler the demo example code is overwritten. I'd like to be able to create a project to duplicate the example code. I downloaded and tried to duplicate the F302R8 project by clicking on the STM32F302R8-Nucleo.ioc file in the CubeMx directory.

I get a warning to either migrate the project or to download the V1.8.0 firmware. If I migrate and build the code builds okay and downloads but there is no response from the motor. If I chose download the firmware the code builds without error but gives an error during debug that some commands can't be executed.

Are there any directions on how to build the example project for STM32CubeMX ?? Also, in my recreated project I don't see any calls to motor control apps in the code ?.

I've been frustrated on this for two weeks with no help from my distributor FAE or any contact from an ST FAE. It seems like reproducing a ST example project should be well documented somewhere.nvi

I found info indicating the SPN7 package has the project environment for IAR but I need a STM32CubeIDX project ....

Thanks for any and all help,

Claire O.
ST Employee

Dear BTrem.1, has been generated long time ago ... you may have problem of compatibility.

Also it is not clear for us where do you find the ioc file? There should be no CubeMx directory for X-CUBE_SPN7...

First idea to help you, will be to generate a SW4STM32 project environment (and not IAR) => you should have some compatibility with STM32CubeIDE.

Another idea will be to give up X-CUBE_SPN7 and to switch to X-CUBE-MCSDK. With your HW selection, FOC code is available but unfortunately not yet six- step algorithm.

Thanks and best regards,


The X-CUBE_SPN7 has a sub folder STM32CubeExpansion_SPN_V1.1.0\Projects\Multi\Examples\MotorControl\CubeMX. This folder has folder STM32F302R8-Nucleo which has the *.ico file.

I just tried generating project from WorkBench using P-NUCLEO-IHM001 kit, 3-Shunt, Sensorless by saving *.stmcx project to workspace then generating code using CubeIDE Tool-chain. I now have a folder P-NUCLEO-IHM001-BullRunning in my workspace but when I launch CubeIDE my project is empty.

Laurent Ca...
Lead II

Dear @BTrem.1​ 

Do you have still this problem to solve?

And just in case, if not, do not hesitate to share the final solution you found.

Best regards

Laurent Ca...

Laurent Ca...
Lead II

Dear @BTrem.1​ 

I guess you don't have to solve this problem anymore, therefore I consider this thread closed.

If not, feel free to reopen it by posting an answer.

Best regards

Laurent Ca...