2019-10-19 11:41 AM
I have the project files downloaded from STMicro for the 3D printer board, STEVAL-3DP001V1, filename en.stsw3dp001.zip. The project is for SW4 and I can get it imported and working with System Workbench but I'd like to get it successfully imported to STM32CubeIDE. There are lots of errors and files not found. Too many to be just a glitch so I must be doing something incorrectly. I've followed the instructions for converting the project using the ST information but no luck. Has anyone tried to import this particular project or anyone willing to give it a try?
2019-10-22 6:39 AM
With the "ST information" you followed, does that include the SW4STM32 to CubeIDE migration guide?
Do you get the project running in the SW environment and then you get lots of errors in the STM32CubeIDE environment? If so then I would make sure all the include paths etc. gets imported correctly.
2019-10-22 12:25 PM
Yes, the migration guide is being used and also 'yes' to the include paths. I can get the STEVAL-3DP001V1 project files into SW4 and build with only a couple of warnings. Now that I have a good working project from SW4 I'll try an export then a subsequent import to STM32CubeIDE again. Trying to import the project into CubeIDE (v1.1.0) directly from the available fresh project file that apparently is for SW just doesn't work for me. Now the question would be is 'how to ensure the include paths get imported correctly'. Is this going to be a manual config change or is there something in the import config that I can correct up front?
Next question that I'll post both here and elsewhere is how can I get the processor config into CubeMX to generate an *.ioc file to use with the STEVAL-3DP001V1 software/firmware?
2019-10-23 5:07 AM
The include paths should be imported automatically. However, if they're not for some reason then you can simply go to the setting (Right click project -> Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> Include paths) and simply select them all in SW4STM32 and do a Ctrl + C and paste them in CubeIDE.
Regarding the CubeMX support, I'm not sure if there's going to be support for the board specifically but there is already MX support for the MCU that (according to my googling) seems to be STM32F401VE. So perhaps you can start there?
2019-10-23 9:00 AM
Thanks for the info. I'll review what gets pulled as paths during the conversion/import.
As far as the cubeMX issue, I see the MCU support. CubeMX will take the graphic input and produce the device config file(s) but it would be very nice if CubeMX read the device configuration files into the device configuration tool for modifications and re-generation. Taking the information from the device config files and then manually entering them into the device config tool appears to leave a lot of room for a lot of errors. Any chance of a device de-configuration tool to complement the device config tool? A tool that could read the config files and produce the .ioc file would be more than helpful.
2019-10-24 8:02 AM
Tried to import the 3D printer code several more times with varying procedures but the result is always the same - doesn't work. I shouldn't say it doesn't work, I just can't get it to work. Followed instructions for importing the SW4 project both from the original downloaded code and also by exporting the working project from SW4 and still no joy. Should I consider myself lucky that the SW4 project works? I'd really like to get this into CubeIDE. Any other suggestions?
2020-02-21 8:11 AM
I had similar issues when trying to import the STM32CubeF4 package from here: https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stm32cube-mcu-mpu-packages.html
I am not sure if this is the thing for you, but I figured out that many of the include files were losing their reference when copying only one project folder into the STM32CubeIDE workspace folder, as suggested in the UM2579 (Migration guide from System Workbench to STM32CubeIDE).
I made this work by keeping all the folders in original location and selecting the folder containing the .cproject and .project files. This is not clearly described in the guide, but made everything work very well for me.
2020-03-07 11:43 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll make the changes.
2021-06-21 11:15 PM
The question has been set only to the "STM32 Motor Control" topic (the question is only about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards