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I have been struggling to get USB CDC device to work for the Nucleo without any additional USB peripherals. USB CDC works perfectly fine when I use the DISCO-board connected through the USB-micro, with the same MCU as the NUCLEO. I have connected a c...
I am successfully using all the SWV debugging functionality in STM32CubeIDE except for the ITM functionality, as described in UM1609 and in the advanced debugging videos on youtube from ST.I have both tried overriding the "_write " function in main.c...
I am using the latest versions of STM32CubeIDE and updated firmware for STM32G431. I am trying to setup the Nucleo STM32G431 with I2S master for a microphone with DMA in circular mode, very similar to what "YetANotherElectronicsChannel" did in this v...
Posted on October 04, 2016 at 22:01I have been struggling to set up CubeMX to be able to read and write to a USB memory stick for STM32F4-Discovery board, similarly to what is done in the example from the repository (Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.13...