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How do I operate motor profiler from Motor Pilot V1.1.5?

Associate III

Whenever I detect boards, the software tells me it needs to update the firmware on the target. Then it pops up a dialog that says it is checking ST-Link connection. However, it says in this state forever without error or progress. How can I either install the fw it wants ahead of time or convince it that the connection is fine?


No, but I would love to. I have blown 2 because I thought maybe I didn't limit the current enough the first time. I posted a question about it but got no response

It has to be something wrong with their profiler code. If you know everything about the driver board (becuase it is a dev board), and you are current limiting correctly, there should be no reason to blow anything. The strange thing is I can't really decide what has blown. It almost has to be a MOSFET, but they are all still measuring normal with an ohm meter.