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Associate II

We are trying to evaluate the EVSPIN32F0602S1 motor driver. I've found I should use the 6 step driver firmware project EVALSTSPIN32F0H60 for this, but it turns out by default only IAR and Keil uVision are supported which we don't have. We work with STM32CubeIDE.

Since it does come with a IOC file I figured it should be no problem to generated project files for STM32CubeIDE, but somehow this doesn't work when I try it from the MX tool in the IDE. It generates only a small part of the required files.

So I tried it also directly from the STM32CubeMX tool, where it does appear to generate all required directories and files. However, I needed to configure all include paths manually to resolve compile issues.

After some time solving compile errors by adding include paths, I stranded in os_tick_gtim.c (CMSIS/RTOS2) where it tries to include RTEComponents.h, which doesn't exist. On the next line it tries: #include CMSIS_device_header, which should probably be defined in RTE_Components.h.

But this file is missing. I found it is included in other examples, where it's contents are set for that example specifically. So I have no idea how to configure it in my case, or where to find the correct file for this project.

So in short: I need some help getting this working on STM32CubeIDE. It shouldn't be that hard, I assume.

Wijeden RHIMI
ST Employee

Hello @Luuk,

Thank you for posting your issue!

To arrive reproduce your issue we need to provide us your STM32CubeIDE version as well as STM32CubeMX version.

I wait your reply.

Best regards,


I'm on STM32Cube 1.10.1

Wijeden RHIMI
ST Employee

Hi again @Luuk,

What about of your STM32CubeMX version?

