2019-08-04 3:58 AM
Where can I find the latest version SVD files for STM32G4? The resource page is out of date (version 1.0) and same with the Keil MDK5 pack (also Version 1.0). I heard there is a version out there somewhere that fixes bugs such as wrong ADC12_Common base address (or same issue with FPU_CPACR)? The fact that the seemingly obvious sources are buggy and outdated is extremely frustrating. I guess I must be missing some commonly known fact about where to get this critical piece of data.
2019-08-04 10:34 AM
I am using from https://github.com/posborne/cmsis-svd/tree/master/data/STMicro
2019-08-04 10:30 PM
Thanks Marcelo, I use that too for many MCUs. But the STM32G4 files are out of date, still at version 1.0. I dug into the files that come with the STM32Cube IDE last night and all I can say is things are completely out of hand: the Version 1.4 SVD still has wrong addresses for ADC12_Common (and possible other peripherals) but the header files have the correct address. Further, the timer peripherals have all been renamed in the SVD ('TIMERx' instead of 'TIMx') but not in the headers. It's an absolute shambles.
2019-08-04 10:46 PM
One more thing: they used to distribute a pack with dedicated SVD for each device in the family (e.g. STM32G431, STM32G474, ...) but the latest I find in the pack is a single SVD for STM32G4xx, essentially a superset of everything in the family. Not a good story for compile-time safety.