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We are trying to develop Custom Bootloader which jumps to application but it not Happening with RTOS

Associate II

We are trying to develop Custom Bootloader which jumps to application but it not Happening with RTOS  , We are using ucos III Free RTOs the application runs fine without using RTOS and Bootloader jumps to application, but issue is with RTOs


Have a reset path that branches quickly to the app code.​

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Associate III

Boot loader and Jumping to the application has nothing to do with RTOS. You need to link application to different flash offset and you also need to change the vector table offset in application.

Associate II

Can you elaborate more about what exactly need to do

Yes i did with out RTOS running Fine with RTOS not going to application

Depends on the USER/SYSTEM state, and also if interrupt contexts have been stacked.​

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Code in Reset Handler to recognize signature in RAM and do control transfer to App and code in Loader to validate App, place signature and NVIC_SystemReset

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Chief II

Try show code and dont write about RTOS, because if you dont use it in bootloader , isnt source of your problem , only detector...

Associate II

We are using RTOS in bootloader and application ,the thing is when we are using RTC also code is breaking and saying

"Break at address "0x808d998" with no debug information available, or outside of program code."

the above mentioned line is error so any one have solution