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USB Stack for STM32U585 with FreeRTOS or other then USBx

Associate III

Hello All,

I am evaluating the STM32U585 MCU to implement it in OTG role(Host and Device both), but I see there is no middleware/stack available for this microcontroller with FreeRTOS, I could see the USBx middleware which is based on azure RTOS.

Could some one please help here to find the example/alternative of USBx?

Thanks in advance

ST Employee

Hello @Community member​ 

Please have a look at this wiki page: Introduction_to_USBX. This may help you on how to configure and customize the USBX Device for STM32.

There is the STM32U5 Classic CoreMW on the Github repository with the FreeRTOS examples for NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q that you can get inspired to generate your application.

You can check the instructions in "How to use" section for a proper use.


When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".
Associate II


I have a similar question, but I don't want to duplicate the topic. The author asked about a similar issue.

I want to create a device supporting USB CDC ACM communication on H563 MCU, but there is no USB stack in CubeIDE except for USBX based on ThreadX which I don't want to use due to licensing.

For the older MCU series like F7, F4, H7 there was USB stack unrelated to ThreadX. I once successfully created such a device on F7 with FreeRTOS and CDC ACM.

Will such a possibility be introduced for H5, or am I forced to use the older MCU?
