2021-03-30 06:00 AM
Can anyone please show me an example of a working USB CDC Host sending the SetControlLineState command? This hasn't been implemented in the STM32 HAL drivers/middleware but it should be a simple thing to add.
SetControlLineState is used to signal the Host is ready to receive data from the CDC device. I tried adding and calling my own routine after the USB enumeration completes:
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_CDC_SetControlLineState(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
phost->Control.setup.b.bmRequestType = USB_H2D | USB_REQ_TYPE_CLASS | USB_REQ_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE;
phost->Control.setup.b.bRequest = CDC_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE;
phost->Control.setup.b.wValue.w = 3U;
phost->Control.setup.b.wIndex.w = 2;
phost->Control.setup.b.wLength.w = 0;
return USBH_CtlReq(phost, 0, 0);
The transmitted data appears to be correctly formed but the phost->RequestState appears to get stuck on CMD_WAIT expecting a reply from the device which I understand is not part of the CDC protocol. I then modified USBH_CtlReq to always set phost->RequestState = CMD_SEND when called from the above procedure but I still cannot get the USB CDC device to send data out.
I would be gratedul for a working USB CDC Host SetControlLineState example or suggestions to try.
Thank you in advance.
2021-12-13 06:41 AM
Hi ST,
I am waiting as well for exaktly the same feature or I am looking for a way to set the DTR signal on an USB device.