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Update bootloader from firmware

Associate II

Hi! Has anyone developed a firmware that is able to rewrite the bootloader that is written in the flash? Thanks


A bit non-specific.

There are many STM32 parts, perhaps narrow this down.

The ROM (likely OTP) based System Loader cannot be updated.

For your own loader in FLASH, yes those can be updated, along with application code which is more typically upgraded.

Yes, written assorted boot loaders, being a developer working on embedded systems, SoC, etc..

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Associate II

Sorry, I mean my own loader in flash.

I’m able to update my application but, because of the swd conmector is no more accessible, I need, in some cases, to update also my loader.

I’m using a STM32G0 with can interface.


Chief II

Write this isnt big , but erasing bootloader part is safety problem if something breaks = brick

Chief II

In such cases one can implement a separate updater or second level bootloader. The first bootloader should never be updated, but it must be capable of doing an emergency recovery, in case both - updater and application - fail.

Do you have any example of this?