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UDP communication on STM32H563ZI


I want to do UDP communication using ThreadX and NetXDuo on an STM32H563ZI.

I searched for STM32Cube Examples and found a sample project for STM32H5, but because FW_H5_v1.3.0 does not exist, an error occurs.

The following page is set up as an example of using TrustZone, but I cannot find any examples of not using TrustZone.


Are there any simple examples or setup instructions?

ST Employee

Hello @Nao05215 ,

Did you have a look at the examples in the github repo? they contain examples on H563 without Trustzone.
You can also take a look at the configuration done with this article Creating a dual IPv6 & IPv4 NetXDuo UDP applicatio... - STMicroelectronics Community. and inspire from it as a starting point.




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Hello. @STea 

Thank you for your response.
I cloned the github repository and built & ran the Nx_UDP_Echo_Server project.
There is nothing wrong with the build.
However, I get an Error at line 307 "tx_semaphore_get" in app_netxduo.c and the IP address is not resolved.
I have no problem with fixed IP without DHCP, but I am trying with no changes to the project.

/* wait until an IP address is ready */ if(tx_semaphore_get(&DHCPSemaphore, NX_APP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) != TX_SUCCESS) { /* USER CODE BEGIN DHCPSemaphore get error */ Error_Handler(); /* USER CODE END DHCPSemaphore get error */ }


I apologize for using DeepL as I do not speak English.

Hello @Nao05215 ,

This is probably getting stack because of the absence of a DHCP server running to get an IP address try providing a DHCP server from your PC side or try working with a static IP address as this is working properly in both cases from my side.

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@Nao05215 wrote:

However, I get an Error at line 307 "tx_semaphore_get" in app_netxduo.c 

So what Error, exactly, do you get?

Hello @Andrew Neil ,

I think he meant he goes into the error Handler after semaphore get function times out.

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