2021-03-16 11:18 PM
hey there
there is a simple question: how can I receive data on my UART in DMA mode using RTOS? recently I ran a project where I just get all the data right when they arrived using UART DMA. but not I what the whole process to be done using RTOS. how can I do that?
2021-03-16 11:35 PM
If you already have a cyclic DMA receive buffer, there are several options. If the serial data is more or less a countinous data stream you write a consumer task blocking on a semaphore or task event. You also implement the half-full+full handlers/callbacks and let them fire the semaphore/task event, thereby unblocking the task which can now process half of the DMA receive buffer.
You could further decouple the interrupts from the consumer task by using a queue.
If the serial data is only some spontaneous sending of few bytes, you can implement a consumer task having a timer/wait, periodically polling for new data.
Finally, you can combine both approaches.
2021-03-17 2:00 AM
ok then I'll try.
an other question: what to do if I want a task to be done only once in main()?
2021-03-17 2:16 AM
A task can suspend itself and will never be scheduled again (unless Resumed by someone else). In addition, it might be also deleted but I somehow recall that there were issues with that.
2021-03-17 4:17 AM
dear KnarfB
here is my code
void SENDATTask(void const * arg)
if (Sim800_at_sendCommand("AT\r\n", 5000, (char*)SIM800.msg.buff, sizeof(SIM800.msg.buff), 1, "\r\nOK\r\n") == 1)
HAL_IWDG_Refresh(&hiwdg); //Reload Watchdog inorder to prevent Micro Reset
eigther I use vTaskDelete() or vTaskSuspend(), the task continues to run... why is that?
2021-03-17 4:33 AM
maybe the MCU resets and restarts because you stopped feeding the watchdog?
2021-03-17 4:37 AM
I think you're right... so how should I feed watchdog in RTOS type of programming?
2021-03-17 4:45 AM
There is no single best solution. A simple way is putting HAL_IWDG_Refresh in the idle task which runs at lowest prio. Then, the watchdog will timeout either when the scheduler is screwed up (stack overflow,...) or when another task runs in a busy loop, preventing the idle task from running.
Would not enable the watchdog during (early) development.
2021-03-17 4:54 AM
Do NOT try to suspend a deleted task. That's a bug and also makes no sense.
vTaskSuspend(SENDATTaskHandle); <-- wrong
BTW when using NULL as task handle
the calling task deletes itself.
2021-03-17 5:08 AM
thanks I'll do that for sure!