2023-03-10 5:32 AM
The standard STM32F407 USB audio driver only supports 48k, is there any info available to up it to higher speed?
2023-03-16 4:48 AM
Found it! In usbd_conf.h:-
#define USBD_AUDIO_FREQ 48000
Could it be as easy as just changing that to 96000, or 192000?
Could it be made selectable at boot time by replacing with a variable?
2023-03-16 4:49 AM
Do you think I could set higher board rates in usbd_conf.h ?
#define USBD_AUDIO_FREQ 48000
2023-03-16 11:15 AM
see in main.c :
2023-03-16 6:23 PM
> Not much of a description on that site
Together with the examples... enough for me.
> any idea what it does?
Isn't it obvious even by the folder name?
> Could it be as easy as just changing that to 96000, or 192000?
> Could it be made selectable at boot time by replacing with a variable?
Other people have already implemented that and more necessary features. That's why, instead of messing with a broken bloatware, they developed an actually usable USB stack, like TinyUSB.
> Worst case you get some blue screens
An externally connectable device cannot make BSOD. If it can, that's a bug in the host OS or drivers.
2023-03-17 1:34 AM
All the STM32F407V-DISC1 Discovery boards world-wide have been sold out for some weeks, impossible to find apart from crazy prices from some Chinese suppliers!
2023-03-17 5:54 AM
>> Worst case you get some blue screens
> An externally connectable device cannot make BSOD. If it can, that's a bug in the host OS or drivers.
Well, that's my USB experience from about 15 years ago when working with Cypress FX2 and the Cypress driver and Windows x (was that still XP?).
At that time, one error in the descriptors and Windows was very blue...
2023-03-22 8:50 AM
It's definitely a bug in some component. Most likely in the Cypress driver, less likely in a Windows integrated drivers or USB stack.
2023-04-20 3:07 AM
Not sure the rtos overhead or memory requirements would fit unfortunately
2023-04-20 3:08 AM
PC rejected it, bad wave format when set to anything above 47k
2023-04-20 3:45 AM
47k ?? you mean : 48k - right?