2022-11-03 7:12 PM
creating a project (say from an existing *.ioc file), the first few times work well, but I use either Azure or FreeRTOS, both situations produce identical results.
After a bit, I get 9 errors, all because of duplicate definitions or routines.
For an L5 project, there is now a file in *both* locations:
1) core\src\system_stm32L5xxx.c
2) DRIVERS\CMSIS\DEVICE\ST\STM32L5XX\Source\Templates\system_stm32L5xxx.c
Keeping both obviously results in errors. Which one is the valid file and therefore which should I keep?
I've been deleting the file under DRIVERS\CMSIS.......
Oh, CubeIDE 1.10.1, windows 10, happens eventually seemingly regardless of processor, does not seem to happen if no operating system is chosen.
2022-11-04 9:37 AM
I need to point out that the file in core\src is an actual file and the file under DRIVERS is a link. Deleting the link removes the 9 errors and allows the project to compile.
2022-11-07 12:30 AM
Hi @Harvey White
First let me thank you for posting.
I tried to reproduce the same behavior you encountered but it works fine from my side.
To be able to push further the analysis could you please provide a minimal project which show the problem.
I'll be waiting for your feedback.