2024-08-16 4:03 AM - edited 2024-08-16 4:07 AM
With latest STM32CubeIDE:
when I try to import a project for U585 with ThreadX and NetX Duo, I get local file copy failure.
Issue #1 - you need to add more details/logs, so that we can know WHICH file / package is causing the issues. It's a guessing game now.
Issue #2 - the importer downloads some file, which has a license I should read. If you click there to read it - browser just says the file is not available!
Issue #3 - the README.md file is missing.
Is it because I can't read the license file? I did accept the terms and conditions (god knows what they were).
But, how do I know what other files are missing? Is the project now usable or not?
I have plenty of disk space available.
annek@jannek-P720:~$ df -h .
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/nvme1n1p1 916G 305G 565G 36% /home
Connections to GitHub are otherwise working just fine.
- Multiple pushes & fetches done to GitHub today w/o issues.
jannek@jannek-P720:~$ ll STM32Cube/Repository/
total 360496
drwxrwxr-x 3 jannek jannek 4096 Aug 16 13:54 ./
drwxrwxr-x 3 jannek jannek 4096 Aug 16 13:50 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jannek jannek 66113 Aug 16 13:50 en.prom-stm32h7rs-mcu-finder.jpg
drwxrwxr-x 8 jannek jannek 4096 Aug 16 13:54 STM32Cube_FW_U5_V1.6.0/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jannek jannek 369059989 Aug 16 13:53 stm32cube_fw_u5_v160.zip
2024-08-19 4:47 AM - edited 2024-08-19 4:52 AM
I downloaded and installed version 1.15.1 now, used the "generic Linux" version on the same Ubuntu 22.04 machine.
Same problem with that one as well.
I don't think my network is the issue here, as the repositories are downloaded as .zip-files 1st.
If the network was down and the file was not completely downloaded, it would not extract (unzip) the files in the 1st place properly (or if you don't catch the error code from unzipping -> that's a bug in the STM32Cube IDE).
There are no logs that help investigating this issue, either.
sudo journalctl -S 14:00 |grep -i stm
Aug 19 14:44:08 jannek-P720 st-stm32cubeide-1.15.1.desktop[123903]: Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
Aug 19 14:44:09 jannek-P720 st-stm32cubeide-1.15.1.desktop[123903]: Using configuration file: /home/jannek/.config/ReText project/ReText.conf
Good question is though why the heck is it looking up my ReText config file and using that? That's a BUG.
The same readme.md file is missing again.
File not found: /home/jannek/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.15.1/Nx_MQTT_Client/README.md.
The project does BUILD however, so could I assume all the source files made it? The README is however quite critical, because I believe it contains information how to enable dynamic memory allocations?
2024-08-19 5:01 AM
I removed ReText completely. That seems to have removed the error note, but the file still does not come along. You are doing something funny with the readme.md -file when copying.
2024-08-19 5:09 AM
How do you specify which files should be copied over? I found a file called
~/STM32Cube/Repository/STM32Cube_FW_U5_V1.6.0/Projects/B-U585I-IOT02A/Applications/NetXDuo/Nx_MQTT_Client$ more .extSettings
HeaderPath=../../../../../../Drivers/BSP/Components/mx_wifi; ../../../../../../Middlewares/ST/netxduo/common/drivers/wifi/mxchip; ../NetXDuo/Target
Middlewares/Interfaces/Network/wifi =..\..\..\..\..\..\Middlewares\ST\netxduo\common\drivers\wifi\mxchip\nx_driver_emw3080.c;..\..\..\..\..\..\Middlewares\ST\netxduo\
Note how it says: "Doc=../README.md;"
If you look into .. folder (from this path) - there is no such file. Is it simply possible you have the path or the filename wrong for this file?
Can someone from ST confirm you have actually TESTED this example combination? Nx_MQTT example with ThreadX on B-U585I-IOT02A board? Rather than just claiming my network connection is bad.
2024-08-19 5:18 AM
The only README.md files one can find are:
~/STM32Cube/Repository/STM32Cube_FW_U5_V1.6.0$ find . -iname README.md
2024-08-19 5:22 AM
You are REALLY trying to copy over this file, aren't you?
You have the filename/path wrong in the .extSettings file...
2024-08-19 8:06 AM - edited 2024-08-19 8:15 AM
Or you have accidentally stored the .html-version of the document, while it should be a .md file instead.
Same issue happens actually also with the Nx_Network_Basics example, too.
Looking at the GitHub repository, I can see the .md -file is existing there:
However, it's not copied over to the zip-file. I very much doubt my network connection is the issue, but since the package is downloaded as a .zip-file here's the sha512 checksum for ST to confirm.
$ sha512sum stm32cube_fw_u5_v160.zip
fdc97269d953ccac92c217fa7786b0519bea8083d6114e2603250ae8feb6e3bbad8335411bacaa71a77f1cddef5952d62e75fc287fc7a866c8c7c3761ff7b31c stm32cube_fw_u5_v160.zip
2024-08-19 8:30 AM
Seems that the 1.6.0 release the STM32Cube IDE downloads is NOT the same as what you host in GitHub as the tagged release. Which would explain your test results would differ from mine - if you use the GitHub as your source.
2024-08-19 10:32 AM
Hi @JanneKiiskila ,
It seems you encountered the issue listed in the STM32CubeIDE:STM32CubeIDE errata 1.16.x - stm32mcu
Hierarchical projects cannot be imported with the option Copy into workspace. |
I escalated your feedback internally for check and analysis (via Internal ticket number: 188930)
(PS: ticket number: 188930 is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers).
2024-08-19 1:23 PM
I am not agreeing with that assessment. I use this via the Information Center.
Import STM32Cube example.
Which then brings the STM Target selector.
I choose ThreadX.
Then I choose the example Nx Basic Network (or Nx_MQTT...) board, B-U585...
Press Next.
Press Next.
Press Finish.
It starts copying it over.
And README.md will be missing.
I think this is the most basic use-case flow you have with this IDE?!