2019-08-05 02:24 PM
I am using an STM32L475VG on the B-L475E-IOT01A discovery board. I am running into a strange problem where whenever I try to create a file within a task it throws back FR_DISK_ERR every time, but succeeds within the startup hook or within the main() before the scheduler starts.
The other strange thing occurring is that I CAN read/write from and to files within a task, as long as the file exists on the SD card beforehand. I would like to be able to create the file within a task as it is dependent on user input.
A snippet is below. Currently this exists within the startup hook (so it works) but as soon as I place it into a task that's started from somewhere else, the f_open() call returns FR_DISK_ERR. If i replace the third argument to f_open with ONLY FA_WRITE or FA_READ, as long as the file exists the call will succeed in both the startup hook and any task.
FIL LogFile;
char fr_str[prvSD_FR_STR_LEN];
UINT bw;
BaseType_t retval;
char buffer[27] = "Time,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,T0,T1\n";
res = f_open(&LogFile, prvSD_LOG_FILENAME, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
prvFAT_FResult_To_String(fr_str, res);
configPRINTF(("Log file open result is %s\r\n", fr_str));
if(res == FR_OK) {
res = f_write(&LogFile, buffer, 26, &bw);
prvFAT_FResult_To_String(fr_str, res);
configPRINTF(("Log file write result is %s, bw is %d\r\n", fr_str, bw));
if(res == FR_OK && bw != 0) {
retval = pdPASS;
else {
retval = pdFAIL;
else {
retval = pdFAIL;
I have reentrancy enabled and I have all the interrupts configured for the SPI driver. Has anyone run into this problem before?
2019-08-05 03:50 PM
You'd really need to keep the FATFS or SPI stuff in a singular thread, or have mutex to arbitrate usage.
Instrument the error paths of the read/write functions in DISKIO driver layer to understand interactions. Failure is frequently cascading.