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STM32L152 nucleo DFU mode example NOT RUN !!!!

Associate II

The eaxample of dfu mode stm32l152 not run !!!

These are my step :

I build and execute code via IAR on Nucle0l152 board with usb _CN1 cable .

Then i dsconnected CN1 usb cable and i connected my USB cabel to PA11, PA12 , gnd and 5 v .

Then I open Open "DfuSe Demo" and download the "STM32L152xE_NUCLEO_SysTick_0x08007000.dfu" provided in Binary directory.

Then I upload the file.dfu .

Then i pressed reset on the board but led LD2 NOT BLINKING!!


Can help me .

Thanks .



Sounds like it is not running your code.

Make sure that the BOOT0 pin is LOW, so it runs code in FLASH and not ROM

You're going to have to debug the code in the board.

Instrument the code so you can know if it ends up in Error_Handler() or HardFault_Handler(), perhaps use the NUCLEO VCP to facilitate this

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Code at 0x08007000 isn't magically run out of boot/reset

The processor starts code via the Vector Table at 0x08000000, which either needs to be a loader that calls code deeper into the device, or the application itself.

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Associate II

Thanks CLive

I took this example and followed the ST's step by step instructions for NUCLEO L152RE

You can check if everything is ok in the code example?

But I just connected the usb cable and followed the readme.txt without using any jump for the BOOT0 pin!!

I don't have the time/resources to chase down other peoples project level bugs.

You'll need to run the debugger on the DFU application, and confirm that it transfers control into your LED blinking application. Step the transition into the application code. Instrument the DFU loader so you can see/observe what is happening via the NUCLEO's VCP in a terminal application.

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Associate II

A question clive :

given that the example of the ST should work I ask you if the connection of the cables and the execution of the commands are correct

As in the figure,:

I connected the CN2 USB cable to program the firmware of the DFU example, at this point I also connect the USB cable and, opening the DFUSEmode software, I notice that STM device DFU is detected.

Then, leaving both USBs inserted (Is this correct?) I upload the .dfu file via DFUSE.

Then I upgrade and then reset the card with both cables connected.

At that point I should see led2 blink.


Associate II

Another question

I put a jumpe between VDD and BOOT0 , then i used just USB cable , I pressed reset then hold on button the release reset and rekease button an in windows I have 3 labe l ,

A differnce respect tutorial I see in TARGETS file (00 Internal Flash ) but in tutorial appear (00 ST) !!

Can be an error .
