2019-06-25 5:26 AM
I am sorry that I am not good at English.
I use the stm32h743zi mcu.
I ported stm32h743i-val lwip tcp echo server and client application
server application was well working but client was not working
ping test was not responed.
my firmware flow is this
lwip init -> tcp_echoclient init -> lwip process
i don't use RTOS
2019-10-21 7:01 PM
Yes, I have the same issue. I am using Nucleo board with STM32H743ZI. I tried lwip netconn echo server without any problem, but I couldn't manage to get neither the tcp echo client example working that uses Raw lwip API (after I ported from STM32H743I) nor using netconn API with FreeRTOS.
I wish we can get any help from STMicro team regarding the TCP/IP client issue.
2020-08-04 12:38 AM
I have the same problem. I cannot make LWIP TCP client work on stm32f4. Can anybody please provide full example of TCP client working on some discovery board?
Thank You.
2020-08-04 1:01 AM
i had solved the problem. after a while, i couldn't remember exactly
but i set up recommendded MPU memory and activated the D-cash while the lwip processing
and increased the heap memory.
i recommend debugging through wireshark.
i hope it helped you
thank you
2020-08-04 8:19 AM
Thx Kim for answer,
Can you please tell me where I find this recommendation? I am generating project from CubeMX and probably some settings to Ethernet driver or LWIP library is not as it should be. However I am not able to debug what to problem is, I just do not get any error message, any assert nothing, function for connection passes as the connection was successfully established. but I cannot see any message in wireshark, LWIP library did nothing...
I tried couple approaches to make TCP connection to server:
raw api:
echoclient_pcb = tcp_new();
netconn api:
void tcp_client_thread(void)
struct netconn * conn;
ip_addr_t ipaddr;
ip_addr_t local;
unsigned int port_no = 50070;
err_t err2;
IP4_ADDR(&local, 192, 168, 0, 70);
IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, 192, 168, 0, 30); // Connection destination IP address
conn = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP); // create new TCP connection handle
if (conn!= NULL) {
err2 = netconn_bind(conn, &local, port_no);
if (err2 == ERR_OK) {
err2 = netconn_connect(conn, &ipaddr, 50030); // Connection destination port is 4000
if(err2 == ERR_OK) {
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LED_B_GPIO_Port, LED_B_Pin);
while(1) {
if (conn->pcb.tcp->state == CLOSE_WAIT) {
else {
printf("Connect server fail ! \n");
else {
printf("can not bind netconn");
else {
printf("can not create netconn");
netconn_delete(conn); // delete TCP connection handle
if (port_no < 0xFFFF) port_no++; // port number is increment
else port_no = 0xC000;
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LED_G_GPIO_Port, LED_G_Pin);
both approaches pass without failing, but as I said, chip do not send any ACK message. But when I create netconn server on the same board, with the same Ethernet an LWIP setup, everything works OK
struct netconn *conn, *newconn;
err_t err, accept_err;
netcon TCP server - works fine with the same ethernet and lwip configuration.
conn = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP);
if (conn!= NULL)
/* Bind to port 80 (HTTP) with default IP address */
err = netconn_bind(conn, NULL, 50070);
if (err == ERR_OK)
/* Put the connection into LISTEN state */
// HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOE, LED_B_Pin);
/* accept any icoming connection */
accept_err = netconn_accept(conn, &newconn);
if(accept_err == ERR_OK)
/* serve connection */
/* delete connection */
thx a lot
2020-08-04 8:19 AM
Thx Kim for answer,
Can you please tell me where I find this recommendation? I am generating project from CubeMX and probably some settings to Ethernet driver or LWIP library is not as it should be. However I am not able to debug what to problem is, I just do not get any error message, any assert nothing, function for connection passes as the connection was successfully established. but I cannot see any message in wireshark, LWIP library did nothing...
I tried couple approaches to make TCP connection to server:
raw api:
echoclient_pcb = tcp_new();
netconn api:
void tcp_client_thread(void)
struct netconn * conn;
ip_addr_t ipaddr;
ip_addr_t local;
unsigned int port_no = 50070;
err_t err2;
IP4_ADDR(&local, 192, 168, 0, 70);
IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, 192, 168, 0, 30); // Connection destination IP address
conn = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP); // create new TCP connection handle
if (conn!= NULL) {
err2 = netconn_bind(conn, &local, port_no);
if (err2 == ERR_OK) {
err2 = netconn_connect(conn, &ipaddr, 50030); // Connection destination port is 4000
if(err2 == ERR_OK) {
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LED_B_GPIO_Port, LED_B_Pin);
while(1) {
if (conn->pcb.tcp->state == CLOSE_WAIT) {
else {
printf("Connect server fail ! \n");
else {
printf("can not bind netconn");
else {
printf("can not create netconn");
netconn_delete(conn); // delete TCP connection handle
if (port_no < 0xFFFF) port_no++; // port number is increment
else port_no = 0xC000;
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LED_G_GPIO_Port, LED_G_Pin);
both approaches pass without failing, but as I said, chip do not send any ACK message. But when I create netconn server on the same board, with the same Ethernet an LWIP setup, everything works OK
struct netconn *conn, *newconn;
err_t err, accept_err;
netcon TCP server - works fine with the same ethernet and lwip configuration.
conn = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP);
if (conn!= NULL)
/* Bind to port 80 (HTTP) with default IP address */
err = netconn_bind(conn, NULL, 50070);
if (err == ERR_OK)
/* Put the connection into LISTEN state */
// HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOE, LED_B_Pin);
/* accept any icoming connection */
accept_err = netconn_accept(conn, &newconn);
if(accept_err == ERR_OK)
/* serve connection */
/* delete connection */
thx a lot
2020-08-04 8:45 AM
only thing I see in Wireshark is
ARP Who has Tell
LLDP MA/8c:3b:ad:2c:ed:a0 LA/g7 120
but after this no ACK message of TCP protokol
2020-08-04 8:45 AM
only thing I see in Wireshark is
ARP Who has Tell
LLDP MA/8c:3b:ad:2c:ed:a0 LA/g7 120
but after this no ACK message of TCP protokol
2020-08-04 11:16 AM
2020-08-04 7:31 PM
I did not use RTOS.
And I have Project STM32H743I-EVAL in STM32Cube_FH_H7_V1.4.0
Refer to LWIP Application.
This is what the MPU referenced.
I hope this helps.