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stm32h563 Azure Netx Multihome Support

Associate III


I have created and executed a TCP server project with Azure NetX library using Ethernet. Additionally, I need multihome support in this project. I want multiple clients to connect to a device with a static IP. Can you assist me with this?

Best regards,

Eren Akyol

Associate III

status = _nx_ip_interface_attach(&ip_0, "port_2", IP_ADDRESS(0, 0, 0,0), 0xFFFFFF00UL, my_netx_driver);

Function is not working. You can look at the Chapter 2 - Installation and use of Azure RTOS NetX DHCP Client | Microsoft Learn .  


ST Employee

Hello @Eakyo.1 ,

try to implement it with the following API call to accept an incoming client connection:


NX_TCP_SOCKET client_socket;
nx_tcp_server_socket_accept(&server_socket, &client_socket, NX_WAIT_FOREVER);


then you should create a new thread to handle the client connection with :






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First of all, thank you for your feedback.

The extension I shared is the tcp server echo example. The structure you mentioned is already used in this example, but this example does not work with multiple clients connected to a single ip address. It works only depending on one client. I need to connect multiple clients.

Hello @Eakyo.1 ,

from my understanding you need to implement a server with the capability of accepting connection from multiple client on the same STATIC IP_ADDRESS is that your use case because if it is the case i think that  the NetxDuo API support the implementation of such usecase this can be done by accepting a client then upon accepting create a thread to deal with that client .

 this is the quote from the NETX documentation listing the steps :

NetX Duo supports systems connected to multiple physical devices using a single IP instance. Each physical interface is assigned to an interface control block in the IP instance. Applications wishing to use a multihome system must define the value for NX_MAX_PHSYCIAL_INTERFACES to the number of physical devices attached to the system, and rebuild NetX Duo library. By default NX_MAX_PHYSICAL_INTERFACES is set to one, creating one interface control block in the IP instance.

The NetX Duo application creates a single IP instance for the primary device using the nx_ip_create service. For each additional network devices, the application attaches the device to the IP instance using the nx_ip_interface_attach service.

Each network interface structure contains a subset of network information about the network interface that is contained in the IP control block, including interface IPv4 address, subnet mask, IP MTU size, and MAC-layer address information.

for further detail refer to the official documentation in this link .


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