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STM32F767ZI with LWIP and FREERTOS not working


I am using an STM32F767ZI dev board and trying to set it up as a TCP Server. After initializing LWIP and FREERTOS, I am having problems with pinging the board. After checking my gateway, it seems that the gateway is able to sendt packets to the stm32, but it does not receive the packets. help

Senior II

Are you forced to use F767 + FreeRTOS+LWIP ?

I do not use F7 as it is too slow to deliver good performances with ethernet.I prefer H7 family, and get more resilient applications.

On the other side, I moved all my design from FreeRTOS+LWIP to AZRTOS+NetXDuo, os is much more reliable and you can achieve reasonable performances.

All that sad, the example LwIP HTTP Server Netconn RTOS ver 1.17.2 should run out of the box - providing STM32CubeIde was set up correctly and board is good.





ST Employee

Hello @simenvoffa , 

You can access the application  for STM32F767ZI  board that  guides you  to run a http server application
based on Netconn API of LwIP TCP/IP stack : ( Github Link)  LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS

Make sure to follow the instructions in the README file to set up your project correctly.




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The problem is that I want a direct connection between server and client using only socket. Having to use an http server and a browser does not really work with my application.