2020-07-21 11:05 AM
I'm new in ethernet and stm32, I use lan8720a and LWIP, I created code from stm32cubeide and created signal with a pin MCO but the ethernet communication isn't work, the MDIO stay low. I belived that MX_LWIP_Init the ethernet communication, isn't it? I need some instruction more?, the PHY address is put in 0 I didn't move more configurations of the code generated
2020-07-21 9:06 PM
2020-07-22 10:32 AM
could you tell me a list of steps to enable ethernet?
Did not fully understand the link information
2020-07-22 11:16 AM
You're likely to have to understand the peripheral and mechanics yourself, relying on CubeMX to produce code at the push of a button requires no knowledge.
You'd do better finding ethernet examples for the STM32F1 EVAL boards, and chinese boards, that are rough proxies for what you're working with.
Start with simple examples where you can just see packets/traffic on the wire, and once that works move on to TCP/IP stacks