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STM32F107 boot loader problems

Associate II

Hi to all,

I am experiencing a nasty problem in programming a STM32F107 MCU.

I made a my own board and I use to interface with pc USART1 (PA9 - PA10) and SWD (PA13 - PA14).

Using the FlashDownloaderDemonstration, usually I get "No response from the target. Boot loader can not be started" and there is no way to change the response even after half an hour of attempts.

Using Keil and SWD, first time I get "Cannot reset target. Shutting down debug session" and second time the stlink green led blinks for a while and I get the response that can not reset flah memory.

At this point, usually, with flashLoader demonstration I can download my program.

What can I do to simplify the process?

Thank you
