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STM32Cube bugs?

Associate II
Posted on April 19, 2014 at 14:27

I started using the STM32Cube using for now the STM32F401 discovery board and Keil software. I like the setup very much as it can make initialization a breeze.

However I have a few comments(bugs?).

- If I use the FREERTOS, and I try to compile the code it comes with the error ''freeRtosTest Configuration\freeRtosTest Configuration.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol xQueueGiveMutexRecursive (referred from cmsis_os.o).'' I have to comment out the line 444, 491,494 and 532  of queue.c.

- In the configuration of the target options it always reverts to JTAG mode under debug-settings

- The most problems come from the RTC module. I made a small test program with flashing LEDs to test the RTOS setup. It all works until I enable the RTC module. In the debugger I found that the system hangs at the HAL-RTC-Init instruction. I configured the RTC clock using the LSI.

My question is if I made somewhere a mistake in the STM32Cube setup or if anyone else has the same problem.

#bug-rtc-initialisation-solved #stm32cube #freertos-compiler-error #bug-in-stm32f4xx_hal_sd #rtc #status-update
Associate II
Posted on May 22, 2015 at 15:39


Thanks for that. I have same issue on STM32L0; timeout in function RTC_EnterInitMode() called from HAL_RTC_Init().

RCC->CSR is set to 0. Need to enable LSI ( bit 0), RTC clock as LSI (bit17) and RTC itself (bit 18).

Will report as a bug