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We are using the LIV3F in our project. We need an effective output data rate of at least 2 updates per second. I set the update rate at 4 updates/second ($PSTMSETPAR,1303,0.25,0*1F\n\r"). I selected only GPRMC and GPGGA messages. me($PSTMCFGMSGL,0,1...
Posted on January 07, 2015 at 18:05I have read and re-read the data sheet on this device. In sleep mode for the gyro and active mode (50 Hz) for the accelerometer I expect a current consumption of 5 + 11 = 16uA. In reality I measure 120uA - 140 uA. ...
Posted on April 19, 2014 at 14:27I started using the STM32Cube using for now the STM32F401 discovery board and Keil software. I like the setup very much as it can make initialization a breeze. However I have a few comments(bugs?). - If I use the FRE...