2021-01-19 11:19 PM
Following our New Azure-RTOS webinar for STM32 MCU and MPU, we are posting below questions and answers received during webcast.
Webinar link
Azure-RTOS integration for STM32H7 beta release:
Questions posted below are as they were received during webcast.
Does Azure RTOS require us to use cubehal or can we also use with stm32 ll drivers?
Can use both, but in st offer we will use hal for better portability across stm32 series
Is support for ieee1588 included or planned in Azure netx ?
It's available in latest release v6.1.3 available in Microsoft github, will be included soon in st offer
Are all threadx components free of charge?
Yes. st obtained from Microsoft a license to grant free production on any stm32 device
It's possible to use the Azure RTOS without creating a project or code from stm32cube, e.g. just with ll api?
Is the netx duo component also available in the st package?
Will Azure os support mpu ?
Yes, using threadx modules
Does the Azure usb stack have support for switching from device to host depending on otg id pin?
Yes, usbx offers otg support
Does the netx duo stack support poe negotiation?
Netx duo does not support poe (power over ethernet)
Does it handle the onthego functionallity automatically?
Usbx offers otg support
Is netxduo able to handle more than one ip4 networks?
Is there support for mtp file transfer?
Can be other usb classes implemented in this rots?
Azure RTOS usbx host and device support custom classes. an example custom class is provided in the Azure RTOS usbx distribution. this simple data pump class is called dpump and can be used as a model for custom application classes.
refer to files ux_host_class_dpump_***.c and ux_device_class_dpump_***.c, under https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/x-cube-azrtos-h7/tree/main/Middlewares/ST/usbx/common/core
What are the memory models in the threadx in compare with freeRTOS?
See here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/Azure/RTOS/threadx/chapter3#memory-usage
Are the demo examples available for download?
Refer to first beta package for stm32h7 available on github https://github.com/stmicroelectronics/x-cube-azRTOS-h7 , later more examples will come
Any restrictions on type of compiler use with stm32 device license?
What is recomended for task treacing? percepio traceanalyser or something else?
You can use Azure RTOS tracex, percepio tracealyzer or any other compatible tools
Am i understanding right that all Azure middlewares: usb, tcp/ip, fat can not be used without RTOS?
Indeed these mw shall be used with threadx, we are working with Microsoft to have bare metal version
Is there support for usb-otg switch between device/host depending on the cable connection?
Usbx offers otg support
Does Azure RTOS include connectivity to Azure iot-hub or do i have to use Azure iot hub c-SDK?
Azure RTOS provides an addon mw to connect to Azure iot, under /netxduo/addons/Azure_iot Azure RTOS provides and addon middleware (Azure iot) that acts as a binding layer between the Azure RTOS and the Azure SDK for embedded c. More details here https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/x-cube-azrtos-h7/tree/main/Middlewares/ST/netxduo/addons/azure_iot
Can you provide any indication of example priing? as far as i understand, the Azure RTOS is not really for free
Azure RTOS for stm32 devices is free of charge
Is cortex-m7 mpu support available? i mean if parts of the RTOS memory can be protected by the mpu
Yes, using threadx modules
What would be needed to manually integrate Azure RTOS before cubemx integration?
Integration in cubemx will be available within st offer coming in 2021 q1
Will the stm32cubeexpansion_cloud_Azure example also be ported to Azure RTOS?
No plan yet from st to update this package. ST is working with Microsoft to enable STM32 support in Azure iot SDK. Microsoft released an Azure RTOS SDK for Azure iot service, it uses threadx and netxduo to connect to Azure iot. more details here https://github.com/Azure-RTOS/Azure-iot-preview/releases
Azure RTOS relies on mbedTLS for security?
Azure RTOS rely on netx duo TLS implementation
Is netx or netxduo compatible to iso 23150 ? if not are there any plans ?
No, and as far as we know there is no plan to be compliant with this standard
Does Azure on stm suppoprt xip (load and run) modules?
St will provide example of threadx modules implementation