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Need help to run Ethernet communication correctly with STM32H7 nucleo?

Associate III

 Is there anybody who can ran ethernet communication correctly with stm32h7 nucleo?


You mention "You have to insert assembler code in the startup function to use RAM domain D3" -- can you link to what @Community member​ has shared with you? He's a prolific poster here and the site is absolute garbage for trying to find or link to anything.

It looks like the only real changes that @Imen DAHMEN​ 's ethernetif.c in this thread make are to specifically place the descriptors and buffer memory in a particular linker segment. Were there any other tricks in that file?



Perhaps this one

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Associate II

Hi All,

Just to recieve an update on the firmware bug for ethernet. Is it fixed ? I am trying to ping ethernet to PC but not able to send any packets in NucleoH743ZI board.


My fixes and improvements to ST's STM32H7 ETH driver and lwIP ethernetif.c are at

Source code and documentation attached.

I don't use evaluation boards or build example code.

You'll have to port my changes yourself.