2022-06-05 07:24 PM
Hello! I'm using a STM32F407VET6 to receive data from USART1 and USART2 with DMA and send it by USB, but I can only receive and send data from USART1.
This is my callback function
void HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint16_t Size){
if(huart->Instance == USART1){
static uint8_t old_pos1 = 0;
uint8_t *ptemp1;
uint8_t i;
if (Size != old_pos1){
if (Size > old_pos1){
ReceivedChars1 = Size - old_pos1;
for (i = 0; i < ReceivedChars1; i++){
pBufferReadyForUser1[i] = RXBufferUser1[old_pos1 + i];
ReceivedChars1 = RX_BUFFER_SIZE - old_pos1;
for (i = 0; i < ReceivedChars1; i++){
pBufferReadyForUser1[i] = RXBufferUser1[old_pos1 + i];
if (Size > 0){
for (i = 0; i < Size; i++){
pBufferReadyForUser1[ReceivedChars1 + i] = RXBufferUser1[i];
ReceivedChars1 += Size;
UserDataTreatment(huart, pBufferReadyForUser1, ReceivedChars1);
ptemp1 = pBufferReadyForUser1;
pBufferReadyForUser1 = pBufferReadyForReception1;
pBufferReadyForReception1 = ptemp1;
old_pos1 = Size;
}else if(huart->Instance == USART2){
static uint8_t old_pos2 = 0;
uint8_t *ptemp2;
uint8_t i;
if (Size != old_pos2){
if (Size > old_pos2){
ReceivedChars2 = Size - old_pos2;
for (i = 0; i < ReceivedChars2; i++){
pBufferReadyForUser2[i] = RXBufferUser2[old_pos2 + i];
ReceivedChars2 = RX_BUFFER_SIZE - old_pos2;
for (i = 0; i < ReceivedChars2; i++){
pBufferReadyForUser2[i] = RXBufferUser2[old_pos2 + i];
if (Size > 0){
for (i = 0; i < Size; i++){
pBufferReadyForUser2[ReceivedChars2 + i] = RXBufferUser2[i];
ReceivedChars2 += Size;
UserDataTreatment(huart, pBufferReadyForUser2, ReceivedChars2);
ptemp2 = pBufferReadyForUser2;
pBufferReadyForUser2 = pBufferReadyForReception2;
pBufferReadyForReception2 = ptemp2;
old_pos2 = Size;
And this is my user data treatment function, where I use the USB.
void UserDataTreatment(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t* pData, uint16_t Size){
uint8_t* pBuff = pData;
uint8_t i;
uint8_t DataArray[100];
for (i = 0; i < Size; i++){
DataArray[i] = *pBuff;
CDC_Transmit_FS(DataArray, Size);
I'm calling HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA for each USART in main() and using separate buffers, but I can't receive data from USART2. Any suggestion?
Thank you!
2022-06-09 04:02 AM
Hi @SGonz.2 ,
If you use only USART2, can you send and receive data?
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