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LWIP Web server on RAW, SSI tags do not work in STM32CubeIde 1.10.1


Hi, stm32 LWIP Web server on RAW, SSI tags do not work in STM32CubeIde 1.10.1

if you will run this project in STM32CubeIde 1.8 and 1.9 everything works well!

PS - I checked LWIP, everything is the same, including the version!


ST Employee

Hello @DK.7​ ,

Which LWIP release are you using?


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I am using STM32CubeIde 1.10.1, with STM32F767, raw lwIP 2.1.3 and SSI.

No problems.

You probably mean that you are using the underlying CubeMX functions?

I don't use that.

Maybe it's the changed HAL ethernet driver?

Thanks for your reply!

PS - Same version in STM32CubeIde 1.8.0 and Same version in STM32CubeIde 1.9.0


What do you mean by "underlying CubeMX functions"?

Are you talking about an underscore like this "MX_LWIP_Init();"?

Then yes, I use it. Because I use "HAL"...

Or do you mean something else?

Chief II

C'mon, the image in the topic already shows what the problem is! Did you read what it tells?

Yes, I mean the "MX_" functions and HAL in general.

Many things generated by CubeMX work nicely if it's very basic stuff.

As soon as it gets a little bit more complicated, you can't really trust it.

I can only guess that maybe the newer IDE version is using the new HAL ethernet driver. Check and compare these versions.

An by the way, you should at least tell us which controller you are using...

May I see your code? Can you give to me a link to GitHub or maybe an archive or etc...

I wonder how you added the "lwIP 2.1.3 ".

And how did you implement it without "HAL".

Have you any ideas what to look out for?

That image has just three simple words... 3!!! Which one of those you cannot understand or translate? And can you see the difference in letter case of those words?