2024-10-24 7:17 AM - last edited on 2024-10-24 7:35 AM by mƎALLEm
Hi, i have STM32F767 and im using FreeRTOS V2 and lwIP. Im facing known bug which should be fixed in FW_F7 V1.17 and im using FW_F7 V1.17.2 and still facing this.
When i connect the ethernet cable, after 2 seconds FW is stuck at following place:
I tried to disable DHCP everyting is ok, but when i try to ping the board the result is the same.
Can you help me to solve this issue?
2024-10-24 8:12 AM
Hello @Petr3,
are you sure you are using the latest version of CubeFirmware as you can see that this fix is available on GitHub
Release v1.17.2 · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeF7@767d083
in the new version the fix is as follows :
if(HAL_ETH_Transmit_IT(&EthHandle, &TxConfig) == HAL_OK)
errval = ERR_OK;
if(HAL_ETH_GetError(&EthHandle) & HAL_ETH_ERROR_BUSY)
/* Wait for descriptors to become available */
osSemaphoreWait( TxPktSemaphore, ETHIF_TX_TIMEOUT);
errval = ERR_BUF;
/* Other error */
errval = ERR_IF;
}while(errval == ERR_BUF);
the fix is related to LWIP application and not Ethernet and it is present in V1.17.2 and here are the changes:
2024-10-24 8:57 AM
Hello STea,
i hope im using latest version of FW pack:
but the lwIP code seems to be different:
where i can update lwIP for latest version? I thought it is part of FW pack for F7 family.
2024-10-24 9:46 AM
Hello @Petr3 ,
you are right, the generated code with MX is generated with the old Ethernetif.c template I'm able to reproduce this and I reported it internally (ticket number 194996 internal reference only) for investigation
in the meanwhile, I suggest you make those changes to your code manually and you should be good to go.
2024-10-24 2:30 PM
Hello @STea ,
thank you for your quick answer. I'll try to edit Ethernetif.c manually but for now im often regenerating the code, so i can work on another part of my FW. Do you know, how much time take the invetigation and release fixed FW pack?
2024-11-03 10:29 PM
Hello @Petr3 ,
I'll get back to you as soon as i get a clear timeline for this.
2024-12-09 7:39 AM
We have a problem with the new code when sending packets of more than 400 bytes .
The old version had no problem for us, I don't see the point of the new version...
A modification (of the new version) that work for us, is to move the call to "HAL_ETH_ReleaseTxPacket(&EthHandle);" in "HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback( ETH_HandleTypeDef *handlerEth )"
With this modification, we never fall in HAL_ETH_ERROR_BUSY...
What do you think ?
2024-12-10 7:57 AM
Hello @SURLEAU.Frederic
can you open a new thread for better visibility.