2023-08-25 1:08 AM
We are developing a custom board which has nrf9160 interfaced to STM32U585 controller.
We are using AT commands application(AT Client) provided by nordic.
So we are exploring library or middleware package for STM32U585.
Is there any specific library or middleware available for STM32U585?
Thanks !!!!
2023-08-25 2:02 AM
Hello @amolchor25,
As far as I know, there is no specific library or middleware available. It would be nice to share some highlights of your project.
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2023-08-30 11:57 PM
I am working on STM32U585 controller which has nrf9160 as cellular modem.
I want cellular middleware for nrf9160 that can establish internet connection for Azure IoT.
currently I am using FreeRTOS as OS in STM32U585 board (B-U585I-IOT02A).
Right now I want to fetch device (nrf9160) information using AT command.
I have interfaced UART3 of STM32U585 with nrf9160 UART and implemented following code to get device (nrf9160) information.
uint8_t pDataRx[64];
memset(pDataRx, 0x00, sizeof(pDataRx));
uint8_t pData[9] = {0};
strcpy(pData, "AT+CGMI");
uint32_t Timeout = 1000;
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, pData, sizeof(pData), Timeout);
HAL_UART_Receive(&huart3, pDataRx, sizeof(pDataRx), Timeout);
printf("DATA %s \n", pDataRx);
That is using HAL layer api.
I want to develop series of commands which can send AT command and get response from cellular modem.
2023-08-31 3:02 AM - edited 2023-08-31 3:03 AM
Please google, there are "AT command" libraries for various devices on github and other places. By all means, consider something else for the UART instead of the ST "HAL" library.