2020-09-17 3:28 PM
The structure definition for RCC_PLLInitTypeDef in the header file 'stm32l4xx_hal_rcc.h', generated by STM32CUBEMX, is inconsistent with the RCC_PLLInitTypeDef struct description in the STM32L4/L4+ HAL and low-layer drivers UM (UM1884 Rev8) page 821, specifically PLLP, PLLR parameters.
Compare that description with the RCC_PLLInitTypeDef in stm32l4xx_hal_rcc.h, generated by STM32CUBEMX for nucleo-l4r5zi_ board:
typedef struct {
#if defined(RCC_PLLP_SUPPORT)
uint32_t PLLP; /*!< PLLP: Division factor for SAI clock.
This parameter must be a value of @ref RCC_PLLP_Clock_Divider */
#endif /* RCC_PLLP_SUPPORT */
uint32_t PLLQ; /*!< PLLQ: Division factor for SDMMC1, RNG and USB clocks.
This parameter must be a value of @ref RCC_PLLQ_Clock_Divider */
uint32_t PLLR; /*!< PLLR: Division for the main system clock.
User have to set the PLLR parameter correctly to not exceed max frequency 120MHZ
on STM32L4Rx/STM32L4Sx devices else 80MHz on the other devices.
This parameter must be a value of @ref RCC_PLLR_Clock_Divider */
Am I missing something?
2020-09-18 9:30 AM
Looks consistent to me. PLLQ and PLLR are defined in both. What do you think is inconsistent about them?
If I were you I would throw away the user manual and consult the code directly. It's always going to be correct.