2018-05-27 11:28 PM
I am working stm32l031g6u6 controller and i want to interface external flash using fatfs.
I refer the document by stm Implementation-of-FatFs-on-Serial-Flash- and tested the code but it's not working.
It showing error of FR_NO_FILE SYSTEM. i have modified the diskio.c file as per document but nothing work.
i have attached the main file and diskio.c file.
#flash #diskio #fatfs-not-working #flash-interface-fatfs #external-flash #stm32 #stm32lo #fatfs2018-05-28 3:09 AM
Can't review file on phone. Blank media would need to be formatted using f_mkfs () make sure that and all the DISKIO functions complete without error.
2018-05-28 7:45 AM
Not sure what version of FatFs you're using but the syntax for f_mkfs() looks entirely wrong
,You want at least version R0.12c
uint8_t workBuffer[_MAX_SS],
, , , , , /* ♯ ♯ -3- Create a FAT file system (format) on the logical drive ♯ ♯ ♯ ♯ ♯ ♯ ♯ ♯ ♯ */
, , , , , /* WARNING: Formatting the uSD card will delete all content on the device */,
, , , , , if(f_mkfs((TCHAR const*)SDPath, FM_ANY, 0, workBuffer, sizeof(workBuffer)) != FR_OK),
, , , , , {,
, , , , , , , /* FatFs Format Error */,
, , , , , , , Error_Handler(),,
, , , , , }2018-05-28 8:17 AM
Hello Clive,
Thanks for your Reply.
Actually I am generating the code form STM32CubeMX tool and version is mentioned R0.11. Where I can found latest version of FatFs? I will check by updating the STM32CubeMX tool also. But it would be good if you can tell me the path where latest version is available.
I am working on Flash memory interfaced on SPI with STM32L0 micro-controller. So does this FatFs library use to implement File system for Flash memory?
I will also check your suggestions and will get back to you. Appreciated for your reply.
Thanks & Regards,