2021-09-27 7:18 PM
Would anyone knows why the STM32F7xx
in stm32f7xx_hal_i2c.h structure I2C_HandleTypeDef doesn't have
__IO uint32_t Devaddress; /*!< I2C Target device address */
__IO uint32_t Memaddress; /*!< I2C Target memory address */
__IO uint32_t MemaddSize; /*!< I2C Target memory address size */
Is there any substitute function to query for the I2C device address?
2021-09-28 6:10 AM
By doesn't have one, do you mean the value is 0?
Do you initialize this value anywhere in your code? It's your choice what you put here, it's not something inherent in the chip hardware.
On second look, these fields are populated when you use the memory read/write functions. Otherwise, they are not applicable. Are you using those functions?
2021-09-28 9:12 AM
These are the members of the I2C_HandleTypeDef struct that was auto generated code.
The structure is defined in \Drivers\STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver\Inc\stm32f7xx_hal_i2c.h or \Drivers\STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver\Inc\stm32f4xx_hal_i2c.h.
These members are missing from the structure which was defined in STM32F7xx. I wonder if this is STM32 bug from auto generated code. I am using CubeIDE version 1.7.0.
I was able to use the Devaddress member in STM32F4xx, but when I transfer the code to STM32F7xx, compiler complained there was no Devaddress, and that is why I know STM32F7xx is missing the members in the structure.
2021-09-28 8:39 PM
Indeed in the F7 version of I2C_HandleTypeDef there's no such members.
Note that struct I2C_HandleTypeDef is not a generated code. It is defined in the "static" part of the HAL library which is called by the generated code.
It looks like F7 version of the library does not store the target address etc in the I2C controller state.
Instead, it immediately sends this onto the wire.
2021-09-28 9:21 PM
Thanks Pavel.
Does it mean I can modify the structure? Without the info of the target address, if I have more than one slaves on the bus, and using the I2C TX/RX callbacks, I will not be able to determent which devices' instance the callback is for.
In the STM32F4 I was utilized the device address to confirm the callback from which slaves so I can manipulate the next data in queues.
2021-09-29 7:00 AM
Yes, you can modify the structure. But IMHO this is not a good idea. Better keep the current target address somewhere else.
2021-09-29 7:47 AM
I don't want to touch the structure honestly. But I didn't find a way to figure out from what slave the STM32F7 got the HAL_I2C_MasterRxCpltCallback(I2C_HandleTypeDef* hi2c) package from. I was trying to see if the I2C_TypeDef *Instance would carry some information from the slave address but I didn't find it yet.
2021-09-29 8:10 AM
Store it in a global variable when you make the call that ends up triggering HAL_I2C_MasterRxCpltCallback. You can only be talking to one slave at a time.
2021-09-29 8:17 AM
Thank you TDK. Meaning my bus will be locked until the the slave is answering the STM32 read command.
2021-09-29 8:22 AM