2019-08-01 4:36 AM
Hey guys,
I am using a STM32F401RE nucleo board that does not have an ethernet port. However, I would like to send UDP Frames over the USB/serial port.
Since I am new to this and there are no examples how to do it, I really appreciate your help. Has anybody done this before? Are there some working examples or maybe you have any hints where to start research.
I know that there are some LwIP examples for boards with an ethernet adapter. Could I use these libraries and, at the point where they are getting send over ethernet, send them over USB CDC instead?
Please help! :)
2019-08-01 4:58 AM
Maybe PPP is the keyword you are looking for... ?
2019-08-03 5:03 AM
2019-08-05 2:42 AM
Thanks for the link. I will check that out :)
2019-08-05 6:22 AM
Okay, I added the LwIP to my STM32F401 that has no ethernet port.
Does anybody has a hint what I need to change/implement to send and receive LwIP (udp) packets over uart? :)
2020-01-27 11:49 PM
In the old days, we used the SLIP protocol to send IP packets over UART connections.
2020-01-28 12:08 AM
RNDIS is a method to provide virtual ethernet links on top of USB.
I don't know of any Cortex M implenetation, and I believe it is a bit oversized for that platform.
> I am using a STM32F401RE nucleo board that does not have an ethernet port. However, I would like to send UDP Frames over the USB/serial port.
Generally, I think you are heading the wrong way.