2020-01-28 7:01 AM
Hello friends. the question is above.
My plan is to take our in-house circuit, and connect an sd card "breakout" (i'm not sure how to call it.. is it caled a "socket"? an "adapter"? please correct me if i missuse the terminology), via an SPI peripheral (MISO,MOSI,SCLK), so that i would be able to write a lot of data at a high rate. read speed is not an issue btw
more detailed questions:
basically i need to write about 12000 long values in one second.
a long is 4 bytes in my case, so this comes to the speed of about 48,000 Bytes/sec
Afaik the base minimum speed of the most basic SD card does provide this.
please verify this fact (or tell me that i'm wrong..)
Is it possible to connect any breakout to any SPI interface? provided that all the electrical signal properties are met of course.
I had a look at this page and for the example i selected this product. will it work with the STM32F070RB? how can i know whether it will or wont?
In my search I've found this nice page which relies on the HAL drivers (doesn't matter to me), but again i'm not sure about the breakout module.
does some1 knows of a good simple driver that is suitable for the required task
Its a big question I know. Any information will be much much appreciated.
Thank you in advance
2020-01-28 7:19 AM
The DFRobot one looks targeted at 5V systems, and has a voltage divider on the pins.
I'd probably use something like this
There is an Adafruit shield driver and FsFat examples in the CubeF0 example tree
STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.10.1\Drivers\BSP\STM32F0xx-Nucleo\stm32f0xx_nucleo.c (SD SPI IO)
2020-01-28 7:24 AM
Thank you clive. much appreciated.
My company cannot buy the module you specified, but i think i understand why you choose that module over the DFRobot one
I hope the adafruit source will work with whatever sd reader i'll get on my table.
I'll update when possible.