2023-03-01 2:55 AM
Do anyone know how to combine USB HID with DFU?
What I would like to achieve, a custom HID class that is able to get update using the USB connection.
2023-03-01 3:14 AM
The keyword is "USB composite device".STM32 USB stack does not support it (yet) (officially), and when the support is introduced, it will be very complex and basically unusable. Look for some lightweight USB stack on github, suppportign composite devices out of the box.
2023-03-01 3:43 AM
Okay thanks!
2023-03-01 5:27 AM
Okay thanks.
Do you have any recommendations?
I have found: https://github.com/alambe94/I-CUBE-USBD-Composite
2023-03-01 5:34 AM
You Can refer to this topic USB composite : https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00001qLxtJSAS/usb-device-composite-applications-share-on-github
You can also refer to X-CUBE-AZ-RTOS-G4 to develop your Composite USB HID-DFU application.
2023-04-17 3:15 AM
Did you succeed in getting USB HID with DFU to work on STM32G473RET6?
Best regards,