2020-02-21 9:26 AM
Creating a new example project for the Nucleo Stm32h743 board, it enables the ethernet (RMII ) and a LED PB0, yet the Configuration Tool Gui shows a yellow conflict triangle between the RMII and LED.
I haven't tested the ethernet, but presumably the example project works (ethernet and led)... so 1) why does the CubeMx show a warning and 2) when is it ok to ignore these conflict warnings?
For example, if I enable another peripheral (ADC1/2.IN15 and/or ADC3.IN1), the tool then shows a conflict between the ETH/LED/ADC. In any case, I don't see how the 9 RMII pins* on the Nucleo conflict with the LED or the ADCs.
2020-02-21 9:34 AM
There are TWO versions of the board, some of the LEDs and PINS are different.
You should review the User Manual for the board model you have, and make sure the SOLDER BRIDGES allow for the specific peripheral/operation to occur.
Pins exposed to headers might also conflict with on-board functionality.
2020-02-21 11:18 AM
Since there doesn't seem to be any inherit conflict between using the RII and PB0/ADC, where is the Cube getting it's conflict information from?
The documentation (UM2407 MB1364) for the Nucleo144 Stm32h743, shows only one layout. There is a newer rev of the board with an stlink v3 instead of a v2, but the processor/peripheral pinout are identical).
The tool shows other conflicts on the default example project.. so in general, if I make my own peripheral changes/conflicts... when should I be concerned that it won't run properly, and when can it be ignored?
2020-02-21 1:50 PM
A yellow warning triangle means that only a subset of the possible peripheral modes can work, some modes can't because of the pin conflict. In this case, ethernet can't work in MII mode because one of the signals required for MII can only be mapped to PB0. But it still works perfectly in RMII mode, because that doesn't need the signal on PB0.
You can ignore this warning if you can configure all pins, all the functionality required by your application. In this case, look up the board user manual, find the part number of the ethernet PHY, look up the interface type in its datasheet, it's RMII, good.