2018-06-13 1:20 AM
Im using stm32f746ZGT + LAN8472A and lwip + freertos on my custom board. I generated default ethernet project by cubemx. I set static ip.
But ETH_IRQHandler never hit so it doesnt answer any questions such a ping request. (I enabled ICMP). I couldnt find the problem source :\
#lwip #ethernet-interrupt #freerots2018-08-07 4:14 AM
hello mister Fatih, i have same prblm , i use nucleo stm32f429zı ethernet udp lcd keypad , i need to reset my software keypad so i use nvic_systreset(); it reset ,, but after 3 minutes my eth and all bugs ç.
did u solve this issue ??
2018-08-07 7:35 AM
I had a similar problem and it was down to STM32CubeMX generating an incorrect parameter for the Ethernet interface.
In my case chaning PHY Address from 1 to 0 fixed my issues.