2021-07-05 08:31 PM
I met these error:
stm32g4xx_hal_timebase_tim_template.c:56:1: error: unknown type name 'TIM_HandleTypeDef'; did you mean 'EXTI_HandleTypeDef'?
how to fix it?
2021-07-05 08:51 PM
Template files are there for you to edit and customize for your application.
But generally this error is because you haven't included the top-level header file.
#include "stm32g4xx.h"
Or your HAL configuration file doesn't include the timer peripheral. Ensure the following line exists and is not commented out of stm32g4xx_hal_conf.h.
2021-07-06 06:12 PM
In this file:"stm32g4xx_hal_conf_template.h"(system-->include-->stm32g474xx-->)
I found this words:"This file should be copied to the application folder and renamed to stm32g4xx_hal_conf.h."
2021-07-06 06:17 PM
Yes, so do that, and modify the line to enable the TIM module to be pulled.
2021-07-06 08:56 PM
If you're new or don't know how to set up HAL manually, use CubeMX to generate the starting point for your project.
2021-07-09 01:54 AM
Could the starting point for your project generated by CubeMX be used in eclipse?
2021-07-09 07:11 AM
CubeMX code can be used by Eclipse.