2018-09-06 4:39 AM
do you prefer the low layer (LL) APIs or direct register access by means of the CMSIS? Why do you prefer your choice?
2018-09-06 4:47 AM
If by CMSIS you mean using the symbols defined in the CMSIS-mandated device headers (and not using SPL, as there are users who confuse CMSIS with SPL), then I vote for that.
The reason is, that I see no point in what's effectively is just renaming the registers and in most cases pretending that there are function calls where a single register or a register bit/bitfield is changed. That's just an unnecessary hindrance, as for the user, mapping between the "library" and the RM has to be established.
Unfortunately, in the CMSIS-mandated device headers, ST fails to provide symbols for values for registers bitfields (yet does this haphazardly in the various "libraries").
My personal view, arguable.
2018-09-06 6:18 AM
"do you prefer the low layer (LL) APIs or direct register access by means of the CMSIS? "
the wrong way to use any vendor library is to incorporate such libraries directly into your code. once you do that, your code is no longer portable. instead, I often use a layer that sits in between my application code and whatever libraries, mine or others, LL or SPL. with this approach, you don't have to worry about (LL)API or CMSIS.
2018-09-06 6:38 AM
You are talking about a hardware abstraction layer (ST's cube HAL is not a real abstraction layer). I'm not asking about HAL APIs, but which approach (CMSIS vs LL) people use in order to implement a HAL. A good software architecture always has got a HAL for the middleware (and application layers). However, in the end each HAL uses either direct register access (by CMSIS), something like ST's cube HAL, or the LL APIs.
2018-09-06 8:32 AM
> A good software architecture always has got a HAL for the middleware (and application layers).
... and I thought you are genuinely interested.
2018-09-06 9:17 AM
I am genuinely interested in whether people prefer the CMSIS or the LL Apis.
2018-09-06 2:25 PM
"and I thought you are genuinely interested."
Apparently some of us are not really interested in things we insisted that we are interested in, :-)