2018-04-12 11:55 AM
Hi All Newbie here,
I think I managed to brick a STM32f1003c8t6 using a FTDI programmer and Arduino IDE.
I got the blue pill board for free so I figured I would play with it.
I started looking around to see how to unbrick the board but I didn't have an ST-Link Programmer.I ordered a mini V2 version for $5 and plugged it in after loading ST Link Utility program.
I saw the st-link programmer in device manager and then connected it to the stm32f103ct8 board using the st-link pins.
I opened up the ST Utility program but the st-link wasn't found so I looked again in Device manager and my st-link usb connection now shows as
Unknown USB device ( Device Descriptor Request Failed)
Again, This happened after I connected to my STM32f103 board which also shows like this (
Unknown USB device ( Device Descriptor Request Failed )
after I tried programming it with an FTDI programmer and Arduino IDE.Can a bricked blue pill board somehow trash a st-link programmer some how?
I have tried everything to get the programmer to show back as an USB st-link adapter in device manager but I have been unsuccessful.
Anyway I sent the programmer back to the seller as defective.
I just want to know if I get another st-link programmer and connect it will it get trashed as well.
Has anyone else had the same thing happen to them?
I am not even sure I know what I flashed to the blue pill and what pins were for sure. I thought I was flashing a blink script for STM within the Arduino IDE program.
#unknown-usb-device2018-04-12 10:21 PM
On a Linux system, I would recommend to run the
command, to see if the device is seen on the bus.Perhaps ther is something similar under Windows ...
But if both seem bricked, I suspect a power supply problem. Anything really hot to the touch ?
2018-04-13 5:54 AM
I'm sorry, but I do not use Linux.
I spent a good amount of time with windows and just gave up as nothing I tried worked to fix the programmer.
I even tried it in another Windows laptop that no matter what I did I couldn't update the driver and it just came up in device manager as Unknown USB device.
I did expand device manager and after finding the st-link I tried to see if there was a device i.d. or any kind of info on it but everything was blank.
I am guessing the chip was erased or modified somehow.
I couldn't find anything on how to re-flash a st-link programmer either.
Needless to say I no longer have the programmer, it was sent back to the seller.
He should have it back Monday and maybe after he looks at it he will be able to tell me what happened to it.
I doubt I will get another programmer but if I do I will definitely not hook it up to the blue pill I have.
Oh and neither were hot to the touch.
Power wasn't and issue either from what I could tell.