2018-04-14 5:01 AM
I am working with the
microcontroller using the GNU ARM embedded toolchain.Since I didn't want to work with the CMSIS library I only copied a few header files from it to have access to the raw register definitions of the peripherals.
At first I was quite happy with that, but now I have seen that I can also generate the header files myself using the SVD file.
On the STM32F767ZI page I found a download link to the corresponding file (STM32F7 System View Description).After having a closer look at the SVD file I noticed that actually only the register definitions of the peripherals are defined but not the modules like TPIU (Trace Port Interface Unit) or DWT (Data Watchpoint and Trace) etc...
So some core register definitions of the ARM Cortex M7 architecture are missing.Where can I get a full SVD description of the STM32F767ZI containing definitions of
registers?#registers #svd #device-headers2018-04-14 9:05 AM
1 Use the search on the resource github.com.
2 Connect to the project with the modified and updated STM32F7x7.svd file.3 Make your own changes to the STM32F7x7.svd file, checking the health and correctness of the data.Option B - wait until another person performs free work.