2016-05-24 8:04 AM
The Nucleo-F446ZE use an STM32F446ZET6U
When I create a project for the nucleo, HSI is incorrect (HSI = 8Mhz but should be 16 Mhz) If I choose the mcu only, the HSI value is correct. #stm32f4 #stm32cube #bug2016-05-24 9:01 AM
Hi none.thomas,
Please upgrade to latest CubeMX 4.15 release, the issue has been fixed.Syrine-2016-05-25 12:23 AM
I updated everything.
STM32Cube 4.0 STM32CubeF4 Firmware Package V1.0/ 06-may-2016 I uninstalled older firmware package and restarted the software but the error still here2016-05-25 2:29 AM
Hi none.thomas,
You are using STM32F446 NUCLEO 144 but I do the test with a STM32F446 NUCLEO 64 where there is no problem.I confirm your issue and I'll report it to our MX team for checking. Sorry for the inconvenience it may bring.-Syrine-2016-08-10 3:42 PM
Sorry for bumping an old thread - has there been any update on this issue?
Currently experiencing it myself.2016-11-07 7:01 AM
Hello Heilicher Ethan,
I thank you for your bug report.You are absolutely right, and I confirm that this is solved in the next CubeMx release (4.18).
Kind Regards