2017-09-27 10:03 AM
I want to turn on the led attached to PC.9. I do this:
LL_GPIO_InitTypeDef initStruct;
LL_GPIO_StructInit( &initStruct );
initStruct.Mode = LL_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_10MHz;
initStruct.OutputType = LL_GPIO_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL;
initStruct.Speed = LL_GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH;
initStruct.Pin = LL_GPIO_PIN_9; // that equals 0x04020002
LL_GPIO_Init( GPIOC, &initStruct )
This code will actually init PC.2 (not PC.9 as it's supposed to) to output push-pull.
Why? LL_GPIO_Init does this:
pinpos = POSITION_VAL(GPIO_InitStruct->Pin);
&sharpdefine POSITION_VAL(VAL) (__CLZ(__RBIT(VAL)))
so pinpos will be equal to
))) which is equal to 1.Then current pin will be calculated like this:
currentpin = (GPIO_InitStruct->Pin) & (0x00000101U << pinpos);
so currentpint will be equal to 2.
And then
LL_GPIO_SetPinMode(GPIOx, currentpin, GPIO_InitStruct->Mode);
will be called, despite the fact that LL_GPIO_SetPinMode should only accept parameters like LL_GPIO_PIN_x.
I have already posted this bug here but it got mixed up with my own ignorance and stupidity so I haven't got a proper reaction. I believe it's time to post it again.
#hal-ll #ll-bug #software-error #bug #ll #stm32f1Solved! Go to Solution.
2018-02-19 1:44 AM
If we decide to fix the issue. I well share it.
But first we have to figure out what the best solution would be for us. It seems that the LL for the STM32F1xx devices is a unstable release if a fundamental function like the pin initialization is not working.
Best regards Raphael
2018-02-19 3:05 AM
Simon Brouwer already posted a fix of the issue in his first response. Thanks for the work and sorry for overriding the post.
Best regards Raphael
2018-02-19 3:32 AM
Thank you for letting me know. I just missed it. Probably because I did quick hack for myself.
2018-02-19 4:01 AM
This issue is confirmed for LL Gpio pins greater than 8 initialization with LL-Init() function and this will be fixed in the next release.
We propose thisfix for LL_GPIO_Init function in the ll_gpio.c driver:
ErrorStatus LL_GPIO_Init(GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx, LL_GPIO_InitTypeDef *GPIO_InitStruct)
uint32_t pinmask = 0x00000000U;
uint32_t pinpos = 0x00000000U;
uint32_t currentpin = 0x00000000U;
/* Check the parameters */
/* ------------------------- Configure the port pins ---------------- */
/* Initialize pinpos on first pin set */
pinmask = (GPIO_InitStruct->Pin & 0x00FFFF00U) >> 8 ;
pinpos = POSITION_VAL(pinmask);
/* Configure the port pins */
while ((pinmask >> pinpos) != 0U)
/* skip if bit is not set */
if ((pinmask & (1U << pinpos)) == 0U)
/* Get current io position */
if(pinpos <8 )
currentpin = (0x00000101U << pinpos);
currentpin = ((0x00010001U << (pinpos-8)) | 0x04000000U);
if (currentpin)
/* Pin Mode configuration */
LL_GPIO_SetPinMode(GPIOx, currentpin, GPIO_InitStruct->Mode);
/* Pull-up Pull down resistor configuration*/
LL_GPIO_SetPinPull(GPIOx, currentpin, GPIO_InitStruct->Pull);
if ((GPIO_InitStruct->Mode == LL_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT) || (GPIO_InitStruct->Mode == LL_GPIO_MODE_ALTERNATE))
/* Check Output mode parameters */
/* Output mode configuration*/
LL_GPIO_SetPinOutputType(GPIOx, currentpin, GPIO_InitStruct->OutputType);
/* Speed mode configuration */
LL_GPIO_SetPinSpeed(GPIOx, currentpin, GPIO_InitStruct->Speed);
return (SUCCESS);
Hope this is helpful for you.
Kind Regards,
2018-02-19 1:38 PM
Hi Imen, I think if you leave out the 'continue; ', some pins may be affected that correspond to a 0 bit in the pinmask (after skipping the first 0 bit, the next pin will be configured even if its bit in the pinmask is 0)
2018-03-09 7:23 AM
Hi Imen,
ST should pay more attention when proposing code as a workaround.
If one wants to gloss over the pre-existing overcomplicated and bizarre definition of the pin constants for the F1, justified only by a small possible saving in scarcely used initialization routines, the proposed code is both redundant, as
and wrong, as Simon Brouwer already pointed out.
Is there a publicly accessible bug tracker for the LL_ library (and the HAL)?
2018-03-12 4:02 AM
,Your proposal fix is raised internally to developer team for check.
Thanks andBest Regards,
2018-03-16 11:20 AM
Just tested a STM32VLDIscovery board and the issue still exists in CubeMX 4.25.0 with the v1.6.0 HAL/LL drivers.
2018-03-19 10:08 AM
Just tested STM32CubeF1 Firmware patch Package V1.6.1 - GPIO works fine.
2018-03-22 1:53 AM
We would inform you that the new patch of STM32CubeF1 Firmware package V1.6.1 is released to fix this issue.
Best Regards