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Bad board or bad debugger?

Associate II


I have a B-L475e-IOT01A1 board. I have been trying to learn FreeRTOS with this board. I am using STM32CubeIDE v1.12.1. When I simply load an application onto the board, it appears to load properly.

However, when I try to run my code through the debugger, I encounter all manner of problems:

interrupts don't happen

the debugger doesn't return when I try to step over functions

breakpoints that have been set and should be reached, aren't

I was wondering if this is an indication that I've damaged my board, or if this indicates some other problem.


Jason Mazzotta


Probably not the hardware.

Instead of break-points perhaps use GPIO or UART to track run-time dynamics.

Stepping in an RTOS tends to result in task changes

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Disable compiler optimisations as much as possible when debugging, as they can explain some of the symptoms. Compare...

Associate II

Thank you for your replies!

Using UART instead of the debugger has helped me make progress again.

If I really need to use the debugger, I will try disabling compiler optimizations.

Have you enabled the "RTOS Kernel Awareness" in the debug configuration (presuming you are using CubeIDE)? This can help when stepping through tasks.These settings are on the "Debugger" Tab in the "Debug Configurations" dialog. See the CubeIDE users manual for details.

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000bknzSQAQ.pngI see these settings. What values do I enter?

Yes, that is the section. Check the "Enable RTOS Proxy" box. The "driver" options should be obvious which one to choose. And there should only be one choice for "port". If there are multiple, look for something like "cortex_m4" since you are running on an L4xx part.