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Azure RTOS licensing..



My company wants to use ThreadX, NextX DUO, File X, Azure RTOS and was not clear if we need to pay for licensing when we send the product to market. we are using U5-series ST boards. can some help whether its an open source that ST has provided in the boards or do we need to procure the license for the same.

Hi Haithem,
Thanku so much for your support. I just have a request, If possible, Can you please provide us some application document, to configure our STM32U5 device for TLS over (UART,USB or Ethernet). Basically, we are struggling for understanding the minimum configuration needed for same. Also what add-on configurations we can implement for security over TLS.
Thanks !!

Hi Haithem,

Thanku so much for your support. I just have a request, If possible, Can you please provide us some application document, to configure our STM32U5 device for TLS over (UART,USB or Ethernet). Basically, we are struggling for understanding the minimum configuration needed for same. Also what add-on configurations we can implement for security over TLS.

Thanks !!

Haithem Rahmani
ST Employee

hi @meghasb​,

Sorry for the delay.

this Nx_MQTT_Client application shows how to connect an STM32U5 IoT board to MQTT broker over an encrypted socket. have a look at it, you'll see how the encryption is enabled in NetXDuo and which components are required.



Hi haithem.
Thanku for the reply.

Now that ST is promoting the STM32MP13 as a real-time solution, it would be a logical addition to the Azure licensing list?

Hi Team,
Thanku for your continuous support, need some more help and support on the issue of handshaking fail between server and client.
The task we are doing is currently, Using Netx as TCP Socket, we merged MbedTLS library from example code of H743i repository from ST, But now the issue comes is when we initiate the communication between server and client, Server is Ubuntu machine where example SSL_Server from mbedTLS is running, and on the other side, ST board with client configuration is running. But when server send HELLO CLIENT, Our ST client is not receiving it. That's why Handshake fails. Please help us here.
Hi Haithem,
Can you pls look into this, can I get any feedback and support for the same ASAP.
Haithem Rahmani
ST Employee

hi @meghasb​ 

could you check which cipher-suites are the Client and the server using, there should be at least one in common otherwise the handshake will fail.?


@Haithem Rahmani​ thanku so much, will check and update