2023-04-06 4:07 AM
My company wants to use ThreadX, NextX DUO, File X, Azure RTOS and was not clear if we need to pay for licensing when we send the product to market. we are using U5-series ST boards. can some help whether its an open source that ST has provided in the boards or do we need to procure the license for the same.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-04-06 5:37 AM
Hi @meghasb,
You don't have to pay any fees. you have rights to use Azure RTOS on U5 for distribution and production purposes as stated in the file https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeU5/blob/main/Middlewares/ST/threadx/LICENSED-HARDWARE.txt
2023-04-06 5:37 AM
Hi @meghasb,
You don't have to pay any fees. you have rights to use Azure RTOS on U5 for distribution and production purposes as stated in the file https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeU5/blob/main/Middlewares/ST/threadx/LICENSED-HARDWARE.txt
2023-04-06 5:42 AM
Hi @Haithem Rahmani , thank you so much for the reply, it helped a lot..
2023-04-07 1:23 AM
@Haithem Rahmani hi, could you pls give the information on using the WolfSSL library also for TLS implementation on UART and USB, do we need to get the license for that too ?
2023-04-07 7:16 AM
Hi @meghasb
We don't have license for WolfSSL, you should ask for a license. Doesn't the TLS support within NetXDuo fit your requirements any missing features, issues?
2023-04-09 11:58 PM
Hi @Haithem Rahmani nothing, we were already using so just checked, but now we are going with Azure only, just one more clarification i need pls help with this too, is the licensing for the NetXsecure also incudes in the Azure what is available in the STM32U5 series,?
2023-04-10 1:00 AM
Hi @meghasb,
Yes! check This LICENSED-HARDWARE.txt, it applies to all NetXDuo components including the NetXSecure part, so your can use any Azure RTOS components without any fees on all STM32 MCU series listed in the license file mentioned above.
Eager to hear about your STM32 product market launch soon :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:.
2023-04-10 4:38 AM
Hi @Haithem Rahmani thanks a lot, it really helped us to move forward with our project easily.
2023-04-11 12:04 AM
2023-04-11 12:08 AM