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STM32H733 with USB2514 on AZURE RTOS issue with the usb devices recognition

Paolo Anterri
Associate II

Hello everyone.

I configured stm32H733VGT6 to support the usb2514 hub device. To do this I used Azure RTOS and the USBX library with STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.17.0. Everything works fine, the USB2514 device is always recognized at power-on with the correct VID and PID (see the image). The problem is that when I connect a device to one of the 4 usb ports (downstream), insertion is recognized (UX_DEVICE_CONNECTION event), as well as removal (UX_DEVICE_DISCONNECTION event), but the peripheral is not recognized.

The USB2514 is configured with SEL0, SEL1, NON_REM0 and NON_REM1 all with pulldown resistors (100KOhm) to GND.

The strange thing is that at startup, even if there are no devices connected to the USB downstream ports, the event UX_DEVICE_CONNECTION occurs.

When I connected a device, the condition:

if (current_class -> ux_host_class_entry_function == ux_host_class_cdc_acm_entry)

current_class returns a wrong ux_host_class_name and exit from if statement, always.


Is there anyone who has encountered this problem and solved it?

Thank you, Paolo.

